Eine Weiterfahrt hätte nicht mehr viel Sinn gemacht. Schon seit Fehmarn trocknete meine Kleidung nur sehr schwer und oft musste ich sie klamm anziehen. Morgens liess ich mir viel Zeit um mich aufzuwärmen und paddelte manchmal erst gegen Mittags los. Schon in Schweden letztes Jahr hatte ich gemerkt, dass ich eigentlich nicht die richtige Bekleidung hatte.
Obwohl verwöhnt von der Herrlichkeit der bisherigen Tour, hatte die deutsche Ostseeküste durchaus auch ihre Reize. Hervorzuheben sind der Wald von Nienhagen der mir sehr gut gefiel sowie Hiddensee und Rügen natürlich. Auch war es die eigene Heimat in der ich unterwegs war und mir gefiel, und es war letztendlich auch mein Ziel, wie damals in Estland geplant: ich hab mein Boot "nach Hause" gepaddelt. Jedoch war schon längst geplant, dass dies nicht das Ende meiner Reise sein sollte.
One year passed until I returned to Fehmarn to paddle along the german coast of the baltic sea.
Work and my second journey to the United States for half a year didn't let me came back earlier.
Again late in the year, but with the expectations of the mostly good experiences in Sweden I started in Burkstaaken (Fehmarn) and went to Poel, Kühlungsborn and further on to Wustrow where I pulled my boat over land to the south side of the island of Darss and Zingst. It was much more protected here from the waves because of unpleasant weather. Further to the island of Hiddensee where fishermen "allowed" me to set up my tent. From now on I realized that I am in Germany and not in some scandinavian countries anymore. "Camping forbidden" were the words I had to learn again. It was already hard to find a good place anyway because it became dark early this time of the year.
Passing the east side of Rügen where the famous Stubbenkammer and its white cliffs are located and down to the mainland where I said good bye to the baltic sea. I left my boat again in a boat storage further south in Ueckermünde. It didn't make any sense to continue. My clothes didn't dry in the morning I had not the right equipment for this kind of weather and it took me often until noon to warm up and start paddling.
Although spoilt with beautiful landscapes before, the german baltic coast had also its attractions. It was mostly paddling in my own country I enjoyed even with the restrictions I was talking about before, and like I said in Estonia at the beginning of this journey, I wanted to paddle "home" and thats what I did. But long time ago i planed that this should not be the end of my kayak journey.
Es braucht lange um einigermassen trocken zu sein. Auf Poel It takes long to dry my clothes. |
Der zauberhafte Wald von Nienhagen The enchanted Forest of Nienhagen |
Blick auf Warnemünde View to Warnemünde |
Auf Hiddensee Island of Hiddensee |
Auf Rügen am Tromper Wiek On Rügen behind the beach |
Die Kreidefelsen auf Rügen White cliffs of Rügen |
Prora, Rügen |
Ehemalige Eisenbahnbrücke Karnin Former trainbridge Usedom, Karnin |
Typische Abende, hier bei Lassen Typical evenings, here near Lassan |
Brücke nach Usedom Bridge to Usedom |